Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Who will take Jim's place?

Does anyone wish to invite a reliable and talented artist to be orange?


szaza said...

I know she's got a lot of exchanges going on, but what about Yoda aka Lady Orlando?

benconservato said...

Does he even know we are having this conversation? I would love to have Lady Orlando in our group!

Marty Harris said...

Yoda aka Lady Orlando would be better than splendid.

Marina Grechanik said...

I also thought about her! It'll be great if she'll agree!

szaza said...

Ok I'll ask her.

Lady Orlando said...

I so want to be orange!!! :D

How exiting to work with such amazing artists :)

Thank you for inviting me. I'll start to work asap ^^

Marty Harris said...


szaza said...


benconservato said...

(Thought I'd give you a little French version of that)
Cant wait to see what you do Lady O.