Please, may I have Emma's book and Marina's book after the next entry? I would like to show them in the exhibit at Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA). The show will run from January through March.
Whatever happened to this group? I think it's one of the most original ideas in all of moly_xdom and it would be a shame if it did not come to fruition.
(If you need a replacement for any of the colors I will gladly come off the bench. ;)
Good question EscapeHatch! As the moderator for this group I'd like to firstly introduce myself (although I think most of us know each other already) and secondly reiterate the previous comment. This group was always the most amazing Moly group ever in my mind also. I see some of the books are in the exhibition - as they should be! - but the other books can still move on. It's time for the Moly horders in this group to dust them off and either add a lick of paint to them or send them on! I'm wondering who's got what books? Whose still interested in continuing? Who wants out? No shame in that. We all know what life can be like! Come on, post a comment so we know you are still alive!
By the way, there are not any books of other member and my book. By the way, I moved to Kobe. This is my new address. 654-0121 2-241 Enmanbayashi Myohoji Suma-ku Kobe Hyogo, Japan.
My book! oh!
Yay! My book too!
You girls!
May I please have a couple of these books for the show in January?
Yoda is naughty, I think she has at least 3 books there...
I would like to know also where is my book. Yoda, do you have it?
Whatever happened to this group? I think it's one of the most original ideas in all of moly_xdom and it would be a shame if it did not come to fruition.
(If you need a replacement for any of the colors I will gladly come off the bench. ;)
Good question EscapeHatch! As the moderator for this group I'd like to firstly introduce myself (although I think most of us know each other already) and secondly reiterate the previous comment. This group was always the most amazing Moly group ever in my mind also. I see some of the books are in the exhibition - as they should be! - but the other books can still move on. It's time for the Moly horders in this group to dust them off and either add a lick of paint to them or send them on! I'm wondering who's got what books? Whose still interested in continuing? Who wants out? No shame in that. We all know what life can be like! Come on, post a comment so we know you are still alive!
Well, I am still in. I haven't seen a moleskine from this group in perhaps... 3 years. Long time.
Me too! And would love to know where is my book.
Jill, did you send them to Yoda?
By the way, there are not any books of other member and my book.
By the way, I moved to Kobe.
This is my new address.
654-0121 2-241 Enmanbayashi Myohoji Suma-ku
Kobe Hyogo, Japan.
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