Friday, July 11, 2008


Here's my entry added to the right of Marty's.
If you'd like to see this in better detail, simply click on the image.


benconservato said...

Beautiful as always. I can't wait to see it in person.

Marty Harris said...

Thank you so much. It's like beauty and the beast. The beast paints big, clunky, dramatic. The beauty paints delicately, gracefully, poetically.

Jill Calder said...

I have this sketchbook now - and am loving it!!! Smoke, then fire, then...something red to do with fire!

Marty Harris said...

Can't wait to see it. Thanks Jill.

szaza said...

Thanks Emma, Marty and Jill :)
I'm so glad you like it Marty.